Vietnam Airlines to host IAS 2024 in Hà Nội

Monday, Feb 26, 2024 10:19

An aircraft of Vietnam Airlines fleet. — VNA/VNS Photo

Vietnam Airlines (VNA) will host the International Airline Symposium (IAS) 2024 in Hà Nội from February 27 to 29.

The IAS is an annual conference that has been held since 1988, bringing together leaders and experts from various fields in the global aviation industry to discuss important issues.

By hosting the event, Vietnam Airlines is not only showcasing its position as the national airline and one of leading companies in the aviation industry of Việt Nam but also gaining the trust of the international community. It's a significant opportunity for Việt Nam to demonstrate its capabilities and contributions to the aviation sector.

This symposium will provide a platform for valuable discussions and the exchange of ideas among industry professionals, contributing to the further development and advancement of the global aviation industry.

The conference is expected to have around 60 delegates, including leaders from aviation and non-aviation organisations and businesses from different countries. — VNS

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