As the preferred recruitmentpartner of some leading globalbrands, Navigos Search has been col-lating a list of new-age recruitmenttactics used by savvy employers. Wenotice that the recruiting field is pro-gressing through the process ofadopting and integrating new tech-nologies like the internet and smartphones into its workflows. Below is asimple checklist to ensure that youdont miss any important step whenrecruiting in this Information Age.
Collaborate With MarketingRecruiting and Marketing are both fo-cused outwardly, albeit with different tar-get segments - Marketing with clients andRecruiting with candidates. Marketershold the key to Market intelligence,Branding, Communications, Segmenta-tion and Differentiation. You can savetime and improve hiring quality with sup-port from these demographic veterans.
Create A MessageThe time of long, boring job ads haspassed. A compelling job posting that canspeak to your desired candidates must in-clude a short and attractive tagline. Beconcise and trim your text into its coremessage, and stick to the point. Remem-ber to link your posting to a more detailedwrite-up; potential employees need to re-late to your job ad to raise their hand.
Be Mobile-CompatibleSmart phones are increasingly beingused to gain access to countless applica-tions and virtually any web page. If youfail to leverage this tool, chances are thatyou may lose the war for top talent. Oneeffective way to acquire talent is by sup-porting mobile viewing on your recruit-ment pages, proactively interacting withyour candidates, and even leveragingolder phone features like SMS for recruit-ing.
Dont Act Like A RobotWhile automated online systems cansave much time, they can seem very im-personal. Try to reach out to your viablecandidates with personalized message, andtailor it with information about your orga-nization. One of our clients created a videodemonstrating a typical day at work, show-ing the routine and the exciting activitiesthat one employee experienced everydayat the office. In this case, even those candi-dates, that did not be perfectly fit for the posi-tion, shared the interesting video with theirfriends and became advocates for the brand. — Source: Navigos Search