Leadership qualities you may not know you have

Friday, Nov 20, 2015 17:03

1. Empathy:

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. This is incredibly important in any workplace environment and helps you to manage conflict and relationships.

2. Optimism

You might think of optimism as the quality of one being hopeful, but it also indicates confidence in successful outcomes. Of course, blind optimism isn't a good thing, but optimistic leaders can inspire and motivate teams.

3. Forgiveness

No one enjoys the boss who lords every mistake they've ever made over their head. There is real power in allowing employees to take calculated risks, but they have to know it's not going to be held against them later. Learn how to forgive mistakes to nurture creativity and inspiration and your team will pay you back ten-fold.

4. Discernment

Discernment is the ability to judge well, whether in relation to people, situations, or business decisions. If you are discerning, you take the time to understand a problem and walk your way around various solutions to find just the right one. You don't jump head first into every opportunity, but think critically and find the best option.

5. Modesty

No one likes to hear how awesome someone else is all the time--especially when it comes from that person. Let your work speak for itself; don't fall into the trap of being the one who blows your horn the loudest. Confidence is a great trait, but must be tempered with modesty.

Source: Inc.com

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