Viet Nam ranks 24th out of 24 leading information and technology economies on the 2018 global cloud computing scorecard, a flagship study that assesses cloud computing policies around the globe released on Thursday by BSA | The Software Alliance.

Viet Nam ranks 24th out of 24 leading information and technology economies on the 2018 global cloud computing scorecard, a flagship study that assesses cloud computing policies around the globe released on Thursday by BSA | The Software Alliance.
BSA said the country has languished in last place since the scorecard was first launched, a sign that the legal and regulatory environment for cloud computing is restricting cloud innovation in Việt Nam, it said.
The 2018 scorecard, the newest version of the only report to rank countries’ preparedness for the adoption and growth of cloud computing services, features an updated methodology that better reflects the policies that have helped cloud computing’s exponential growth over the past five years, putting additional emphasis on countries’ privacy and cyber security laws and broadband infrastructure.
In 2018 most countries continue to make improvements though some markets are falling further behind.
BSA reported that Germany scored the highest on the scorecard due to its national cyber security policies and promotion of free trade followed closely by Japan and the US.
Bringing up the rear is a small group of nations that have failed to embrace the international approach: Russia, China, Indonesia, and Viet Nam.
By examining the legal and regulatory framework of 24 markets, the scorecard aims to provide a platform for discussion between policymakers and cloud service providers.
“The scorecard is a tool that can help countries constructively self-evaluate their policies and determine next steps to increase adoption of cloud computing,” Victoria Espinel, President and CEO of BSA | The Software Alliance, said.
“Cloud computing allows anyone to access technology previously available only to large organisations, paving the way for increased connectivity and innovation. Countries that embrace the free flow of data, implement cutting-edge cyber security solutions, protect intellectual property, and establish IT infrastructure will continue to reap the benefits of cloud computing for businesses and citizens alike.” — VNS