Tech Data will distribute Ciscos complete solutions portfolio in Viet Nam.

Tech Data will distribute Ciscos complete solutions portfolio in Viet Nam.
Viet Nams economic expansion is being matched by investment in technology across its ICT market.
This is creating opportunities for businesses.
One of the ways Tech Data is engaging the market is through the provision of Cisco solutions for data centres, networks, cloud-based services, big data, the Internet of Things (IoT), mobility and wireless, security, and workforce collaboration.
“TechData will now bring Ciscos world-leading solutions to our partners in Viet Nam, enabling them reach their full potential using both traditional and next-generation technologies,” Tran Thi Bao Tran,country general manager,TechData, said.
LuongThi LeThuy,general director of Cisco Vietnam, said: “Digital transformation is acceleratingrapidly acrossViet Nam. Asbusinesseslook to adopt technology to addresskeyissues and open new opportunities, it iscritical thattheyworkwiththe right partnersin their transformationjourney.Weare delightedthatTechData will beoffering the entire suiteof Ciscos technology andsolutions in the country.”
A key part of Tech Datas local go-to-market strategy is to enable both enterprise and run-rate selling, focusing on Ciscos four key architectures: networking, security, collaboration, and data centre. — VNS