The Bangladesh National Board of Revenue and FPT Information System (FPT IS) has officially begun operating the Bangladesh Income Tax integration system (BITAX).

The Bangladesh National Board of Revenue and FPT Information System (FPT IS) has officially begun operating the Bangladesh Income Tax integration system (BITAX).
The project provides the National Board of Revenue with a tax administration system to help manage nearly 700 agencies across the country.
The new system enables more than 3 million Bangladesh taxpayers to declare online, search for information on taxable income, submit copies of relevant papers and quickly complete their payments.
BITAX is the first national IT project in Bangladesh to be successfully deployed and put into operation.
The categories deployed by FIS include the application software system of SAP Tax and Revenue Management for tax officers and taxpayers, the hardware infrastructure system (network, server, storage, security) in data centers and local tax authorities, as well as support for the system’s operation. — VNS