Individual customers will be able pay for petrol using the QR code technology in petrol stations of the PetroVietnam Oil Corporation (PV Oil).

Individual customers will be able to pay for petrol using the QR code technology in petrol stations of the PetroVietnam Oil Corporation (PV Oil).
This was announced by Cao Hoai Duong, general director of PV Oil, at the meeting of shareholders and investors.
Duong said the “PVOIL Easy” programme managed the purchase of gasoline using QR code (quick response code, also known as bar code matrix on mobile devices) for PVOIL members.
Every QR code issued to a driver contains complete personal information, including the driver’s name, licence number and gasoline purchase limit. When drivers buy gasoline at PV Oil’s petrol station, they will only need to use their personal phones containing QR codes to make payment.
At the same time, all transaction information, including the location where drivers buy gasoline and the amount and type of gasoline purchased, will be sent to the drivers and owners of the vehicles as well as be stored on PVOIL’s system.
With the QR technology, both drivers and owners of transport service companies will not have to spend a lot of time to compare the amount of gasoline traded daily, Duong said.
Thanks to its advantages, the PVOIL Easy programme has been positively received by many transportation companies, such as Viettel Post, as well as other private transportation companies, after nearly four months of implementation.
PVOIL is the first petroleum business unit to use QR code technology. According to Duong, PVOIL plans to apply this programme to individual customers to make the QR code utility available to more customers in near future. — VNS