Nestlé Research Centre has claimed a breakthrough in its research to add human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs) and a probiotic known as Bifidus BL, to its NAN Supreme 3 formula for children aged two to six years to boost their immune system.

Nestle Research Centre has claimed a breakthrough in its research to add human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs) and a probiotic known as Bifidus BL, to its NAN Supreme 3 formula for children aged two to six years to boost their immune system.
HMOs are the third largest component of breast milk after fat and carbohydrates (lactose), and are only found in breast milk, and research has shown that it plays a fundamental role in a baby’s digestive health and immunity.
Breast milk also contains a specific probiotic, Bifidus factor, which supports the growth of the beneficial lactobacillus group of bacteria in infants’ intestines.
Studies have shown that the addition of 100 million beneficial bacteria every day will help children strengthen their digestive health and absorb nutrients better.
NAN Supreme 3 is the first and only product with nutrient supplementation by 2’FL HMO and Bifidus BL in Viet Nam.
According to the World Health Organisation, breast milk is the natural and ideal food for infants, and for the first six months mothers should try to exclusively breastfeed their babies to create the best nutrition and immune foundation.
But according to experts, exclusive breastfeeding of infants for the first six months remains low in Viet Nam than in other countries in the region and world. — VNS