Asian countries are top investors in Dong Nai

Tuesday, Nov 01, 2016 15:10

Workers at a foreign company in Nhon Trach Industrial Park, southern Dong Nai province. — Photo
DONG NAI (Biz Hub)
The Republic of Korea (RoK), Japan and China's Taiwan were the top three investors in the southern province of Dong Nai in the first 10 months of 2016.

During the period, Dong Nai reeled in US$1.75 billion worth of foreign capital, surpassing its yearly plan by 75 per cent. 

Of the total, $1 billion was poured into 79 new projects, while the remaining sum was invested in 77 existing projects. 

RoK topped the foreign direct investment (FDI) list with 32 projects worth $146 million, followed by Japan (11 projects, $52 million) and Taiwan (nine projects, $40.5 million). 

Notable projects included the Thai-funded Amata Long Thanh City registered at $309 million and a Korean-funded project by Dong Won Vietnam Co. Ltd at $60 million. 

According to the Department of Planning and Investment, Dong Nai is home to 1,233 valid projects with total capital hitting $25.5 billion. RoK, Taiwan and Japan have taken the lead among 44 countries and territories investing in the province. — VNS

Comments (5)

Da nghi cac co quan chuc nang thanh tra lam ro. Ky luat ngay cac ong can bo quan lieu, thoai qua cho dan duoc nho.

nguyen quoc loi - Wednesday, 11/05/2016, 22:34 Reply | Like

Quyền lực chính trị + Quyền lợi kinh tế = Tham nhũng có TỔ CHỨC

AnGiang - Sunday, 08/05/2016, 12:44 Reply | Like

Theo tôi biết, nếu chồng làm lãnh đạo ( bí thư, chủ tịch) thì vợ, con ruột không được mở cty tư nhân riêng mà ta???

BTT - Thursday, 05/05/2016, 11:54 Reply | Like

Chẳng khác gì là cướp cả!

Nguyễn Bính - Thursday, 05/05/2016, 10:59 Reply | Like

Phải lập đoàn kiểm tra xem ó trốn thuế hay không? cán bộ nhà nước mà còn làm vậy thì còn gì lòng tin ở nhân dân nữa! phải kiểm tra và công khai minh bạch cho người dân biết!

Huỳnh Trọng Viễn - Thursday, 05/05/2016, 10:53 Reply | Like