Starbucks raises funds for disadvantaged children

Monday, Jan 05, 2015 14:47

During January, customers can place their receipts in a box. For each receipt, VND1,000 will be reserved for the fund, with Starbucks' matching another VND1,000. — Photo baocongthuong

HCM CITY (Biz Hub) — The US coffee chain, Starbucks, has launched a fund to support disadvantaged children during the Lunar New Year holiday.

During January, customers can place their receipts in a box. For each receipt, VND1,000 will be reserved for the fund, with Starbucks' matching another VND1,000.

The fund will be used to organise a Tet day and to buy presents for students at the May 15 School in mid-February.

To welcome winter and the Lunar New Year, the company has also introduced new promotions and beverages.

The new beverages are espresso confections, brand-new coffee infusions inspired by the elegance of candy confections and flavours.

For the winter season, new blended and roasted packaged coffees will also be offered for sale. — VNS

Comments (1)

hoan nghênh ban GĐ BVĐK cẩm xuyên,nhưng đây chỉ là cái u nhọt được lấy ra từ cái u nhọt lớn khác,ngày xưa lương y như từ mẫu,giờ lương y ...

châu - Sunday, 06/11/2016, 10:23 Reply | Like