Cost-effective ways to quit struggling with employee retention

Monday, Apr 06, 2015 15:43

"Employees don't quit jobs. They quit managers." according to an HR expert. — Photo Navigos

Employee retention does not necessarily mean costly policies such as pay rises or bonuses. In fact, you can retain your top talent through more cost-effective ways.

Hire Retainable Employees

To curtail turnover, you should hire retainable employees. Find the traits that leaders and top performers in your company have in common and select candidates with those traits when selecting and screening CV.

Improve Their Work-Life Balance

Making your employees work like robots will be counter-productive to your business. In order to keep them happy, productive and help strengthen their bonds with your company, you should help them realize a healthy work-life balance. You can offer them a week off every six months or a long weekend every now and then.

Be Friendly To Your Employees

Implementing policies that encourage your employees to express their ideas is not enough. Many employees will not express themselves for fear of embarrassment or reprisal. You don't have to be their best friends, but take time to be fully engaged with your employees to make them feel safe when speaking out their thoughts.

Train Your Line Managers

"Employees don't quit jobs. They quit managers." according to an HR expert. Investment in training and development for your line managers is well-spent. The way they execute your company values will determine the success of your retention strategy. You need to train them how to communicate and support employees to grow, rather than just drive performance.

Make The Retention Personal

Each employee is motivated by different things. Retention initiatives are not "one size fits all". By simply asking: "What motivates you?", you can tailor your retention strategies down to the individual level.

Source: Navigos Search

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