Van Don International Airport has been listed among the top five airports with the highest points for quality services in the first quarter of the year, according to a survey by the Airport Performance Measurement Program (APMP).
Van Don International Airport has been listed among the top five airports with the highest points for quality services in the first quarter of the year, according to a survey by the Airport Performance Measurement Program (APMP).
The survey, which included 47 airports worldwide where Vietnam Airlines operates, was based on indicators from SKYTRAX, the UK-based international air transport rating organisation.
The other top five were Jukuoka Airport of Japan, Sydney Airport of Australia, Kaohsiung Airport and Taoyuan Airport of Taiwan.
The Van Don airport in the northern province of Quang Ninh achieved a total APMP score of 78, the highest among Vietnamese airports included in the survey.
Evaluation criteria included reflex indicator points (according to customer assessments), abnormal baggage performance points, safety target points, and on-time performance (OTP) target points.