Counterfeiting and violations of intellectual property rights (IPR) were still rampant, with the perpetrators operating outside and within the country employing advanced technologies and running sophisticated schemes.
Viet Nam is to host a meeting for the heads of customs agencies from Asia and Europe on October 9-10 in Ha Long City, Quang Ninh Province, according to deputy chief of the General Department of Vietnam Customs Mai Xuan...
The market management departments of 19 provinces and cities in the south in the first half of the year discovered more than 11,420 violations of smuggling, trade fraud and counterfeiting, a year-on-year increase of 4 per cent, according to the...
The police, army and customs are acting together against smuggling and counterfeiting, but the results fall short of expectations because the crimes are getting more sophisticated, officials say.
Authorities, business groups and companies need to co-operate closely to
keep out fake products during the upcoming festive season, a conference
heard yesterday in HCM City.
The Prime Minister has ordered concerned ministries and organisations
to intensify efforts to stop smuggling, trade fraud and counterfeiting
in anticipation of the 2015 Tet (Lunar New Year) celebration.