As the holiday season approaches, shoppers worldwide eagerly anticipate snagging deals during Black Friday, Cyber Monday and other holiday sales. However, this heightened online activity also draws the attention of cybercriminals.
Việt Nam’s cyberspace witnessed a substantial rise in threats in the third quarter, with nearly five million internet-based threats detected, according to recent data released by Kaspersky.
Việt Nam''s cybersecurity landscape improved in the second quarter of 2024 compared to a year earlier, but unrelenting vigilance should be a priority to prevent threats, according to global cybersecurity and digital privacy company Kaspersky.
Kaspersky announced free availability of its core endpoint security products for six months for medical organisations to help them stay protected from cyberthreats during the Covid-19 pandemic.
The number of detections of web threats in Viet Nam fell by more than 30 per cent last year compared to 2018, with 75 million different Internet-borne cyberthreats.
The number of internet-borne cyberthreats in Viet Nam in the fourth quarter of 2019 decreased more than 50 per cent compared to the same period in 2018, according to Kaspersky Security Bulletin Q4 2019.