More than 20 agricultural co-operatives in Lam Dong Province acquired some important market information at a conference, organised by departments of Industry and Trade of HCM City and Lam Dong Province and Saigon Co.op, which is expected to help them orient their production in line to modern trends.

More than 20 agricultural co-operatives in Lam Dong Province acquired some important market information at a conference, organised by departments of Industry and Trade of HCM City and Lam Dong Province and Saigon Co.op, which is expected to help them orient their production in line to modern trends.
At the conference, held recently in HCM City, they were apprised specifically about how they could bring their products into Saigon Co.op's retail chain comprising Co.opmart, Co.opXtra and Co.op Food.
Bui The, deputy director of the province Department of Industry and Trade, said with its favourable climatic and soil conditions, Lam Dong provides many kinds of high-quality agricultural products.
So it wants to connect its producers with Saigon Co.op to bring many of them, as well as other goods, into the retailer’s distribution systems.— VNS