In the raid last week, market surveillance forces discovered a lot of goods with unknown origins such as shoes, clothes, backpacks, handbags, wallets, belts, and many counterfeit LV, Chanel, Adidas and Gucci items.
The Lao Cai Market Management Department on Tuesday announced that it had seized 237 fake, smuggled and low-quality goods items at a 10,000-sq.m warehouse in Lao Cai City that was raided by market surveillance forces last week.
Also at the warehouse at 145 Hoang Dieu Street, Lao Cai City, Lao Cai Province, market surveillance forces discovered 811 packages of goods awaiting delivery under orders.
In the raid last week, market surveillance forces discovered a lot of goods with unknown origins such as shoes, clothes, backpacks, handbags, wallets, belts, and many counterfeit LV, Chanel, Adidas and Gucci items.
The goods were being sold online under the Facebook names Thao Tran and Giay Dong Gia 11. The Facebook accounts are allegedly owned by Tran Duc Cuong and Pham Duc Thien, residing in Lao Cai City.
The owner of the warehouse was identified as Tran Thanh Phu residing in Lao Cai City.
According to the Lao Cai Market Management Department, Phu has yet to present himself at the agency for a working session. — VNS