FrieslandCampina Viet Nam marks 25 years in Viet Nam with ambitious social campaign
Dairy company FrieslandCampina Viet Nam celebratedits 25th anniversary in Viet Nam on July 9.

Dairy company FrieslandCampina Viet Nam celebratedits 25th anniversary in Viet Nam on July 9.
The companys mission is “For Vietnam to Leap Forward and Reach Higher”, andthis serves as the guideline for its business and activities related to sustainable development and social responsibilities.
Royal FrieslandCampina is a leadingglobal dairy co-operative owned by Zuivelcoöperatie FrieslandCampina U.A., with nearly 18,000 farmer members in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. FrieslandCampinais present in 36 countries with more than 24,000 employees while its products are sold in more than 100 markets. Its annual revenuestop 11.3 billion euros.
With the goal of nourishing by nature, Royal FrieslandCampina strives to provide high-quality and nutritious dairy products to bring consumers a healthy life.
In the nearly 150 years since its establishment, Royal FrieslandCampinahasbeen offeringmillions of consumers all over the world valuable nutrition from not only milk but also all kinds of other productsit makes from milk.
FrieslandCampina invested in Viet Nam in 1995 by forming a joint venture with PROTRADE Company in Binh Duong Province. Itwas one of the first multinational dairy companies to come to Viet Nam, and has two modern factories in Binh Duong and Ha Nam provinces. It has contributed to the countrys socio-economic development and growth of its dairy industry, helping improve the health and nutrition of Vietnamese.
FrieslandCampina has successfully built brand names for its products such as Dutch Lady milk, Friso baby formula, Fristi nutritious drink, Yomost yogurt, and Hoan Hao and Truong Sinh condensed milk during last 25 years.
Each day it sells nearly 4 million units of these products, winning the trustof consumers thanks to the quality of Dutch milk, which is the same in every country in the world.
Besides developing its business to become an outstanding foreign enterprise that makesa large tax contribution to Binh Duong and Ha Nam provinces, FrieslandCampinaalso alwaysdischarges its social responsibilities to develop the society and community.
In more than two decades of establishment and development, being patient in creating sustainable value and contributing to the improvement of the quality of life of Vietnamese, FrieslandCampina has been honoured with theLabour Medal, firstclass, by the countrys president in 2016 and the HR Asia Best Companies to Work for in Asia awardfromAsias leading human resourcespublication, HR Asia Magazine, in 2018 and others.
To mark 25 years in Viet Nam, the companyhas announceda campaigncalled “For Vietnam to Leap Forward and Reach Higher” and pledged to makefurther contributions for the countrys socio-economic development. FrieslandCampina pays attention to sustainable development:
1. Education and development of nutrition for Vietnamese children: FrieslandCampina has carried out the Den Dom Dom Study Encouragement Programme and Drink-Move-Be Strong campaign at schools, benefiting millions children across the country over the last 25 years. FrieslandCampina Viet Nams Dutch Lady brand has signed with the Ministry of Education and Training a five-year agreement worth VND11 billion per year. Under the agreement, it will help improve primary school students awareness of nutrients and physical health; set up 1,250 booths to disseminate information about nutrients and build playgrounds for 65 schools. More than 1.5 million students at 1,500 primary schools will benefit from these activities.
2. Improving the lives of Vietnamese, especially farmers, through a dairy development programme, an effective and successful community assistance model. The programme underlines FrieslandCampinasposition in the vanguard of sustainable development of the milk cow breeding industry for the last 25 years. The company has held more than 12,000 training courses with experts and farmers coming from the Netherlands, taken care of the health of the milk cows for free, managed farms, and provided technical counselling. It has created jobs for more than 7,000 people in rural areas. Working with Vietnamese farmers for the Dairy Development Programme: FrieslandCampina has provided more than 3,000 farming households with professional knowledge and skills in breeding milk cows to Dutch quality standards since 1996. Their cow numbers have increased to 35,000.
3. Protecting the environment and developing sustainably: FrieslandCampina Viet Nam has taken efforts to create an effective and sustainable production chain by joining the Packaging Recycling Organisation and implementation of environmental protection activities such as reducing the use of fossil fuels and discharge of CO2 and plastic waste into environment, saving water, and enhancingwaste recycling. Sustainable development is the first requirement to ensure the long-term development of FrieslandCampina Viet Nam.
At an event to mark the 25th anniversary, Berend van Wel, managing director of FrieslandCampina Viet Nam, said: “We are very proud of FrieslandCampinas 25-year journey in Viet Nam and thank Viet Nam for giving us the chance to grow with the country.
“We acknowledge that we need to make more efforts to keep up with the large potential of the Viet Nam market. The mission of For Vietnam to Leap Forward and Reach Higher is to achieve that target and turn it into the reality.
“We thank Viet Nams Government and consumers as well as our partners over the last 25 years and wish to continue to be side by side with you For Vietnam to Leap Forward and Reach Higher.”