The Ministry of Industry and Trade recently debuted a new website available at where citizen and enterprises can learn more about the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP).

The Ministry of Industry and Trade recently debuted a new website available at where citizen and enterprises can learn more about the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP).
The website provides general information about the trade deal as well as Viet Nam’s commitments in major sectors like goods and services trading, investment, Government procurement, intellectual property, labour and State-owned enterprises.
Detailed explanations for commitments were also provided for readers to better understand the trade agreement.
The website also includes helpful information for export companies, such as the commitments of member countries and those regarding the opening of services markets and investment for Vietnamese providers.
The portal also posted the full CPTPP text in both English and Vietnamese and relevant documents, including the Government’s plans for implementing the deal and legal amendments.
The ministry said that the website would be updated regularly to provide the latest information and regulations related to the CPTPP for citizens and enterprises to understand and grasp opportunities arising from the trade deal.
Eleven countries – Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Peru, New Zealand, Singapore and Viet Nam – signed the CPTPP on March 8, 2018 in Chile.
The trade deal officially came into effect on December 30, 2018 for the first six signatories which completed the approval procedures for the trade deal, including Mexico, Japan, Singapore, New Zealand, Canada and Australia.
For Viet Nam, the National Assembly approved the trade deal and relevant documents on November 12. The CPTPP came into force for Viet Nam from January 14.
CPTPP members committed to eliminate between 97 and 100 per cent of tariff lines on products originating from Viet Nam. — VNS