It was critical to change management thinking towards removing difficulties and creating favourable conditions for businesses, Minister and Chairman of the Government Office stressed.

It was critical to change management thinking towards removing difficulties and creating favourable conditions for businesses, Mai Tien Dung, Minister and Chairman of the Government Office stressed at the meeting of the Prime Minister’s working group with six ministries on Monday.
Still, simplifying procedures would not mean that management would be loosened, he stressed, adding that opinions from different perspectives must be heard to at the same time to ensure benefits of businesses, ensure growth targets, ensure the community’s benefits and the State management goals.
At the working session, 43 proposals of businesses were discussed and would be reported to the Government at the earliest meeting.
Most discussed was regulations related to the management of alcohol businesses.
Regarding the Viet Nam Beer Alcohol Beverage Association’s proposal about removing the ban on selling wine online, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Dang Hoang An said that the control over quality of products online remained difficult.
An said that it was necessary to have strict regulations of managing the sale of alcohol products on the internet.
Dung said that the National Assembly was considering the association’s proposal when reviewing the draft law on alcohol harm prevention, adding that the aim was to create favourable conditions for businesses but still ensure efficient management.
With regard to the association’s proposal of abolishing the licence for the sale of alcohol at five-star hotels, Dung said that if the licence was not necessary, it should be removed.
“We need to change the management thinking. The management should be shift from pre-check to post-check,” Dung said. “We could not ban or develop more prerequisites or procedures for businesses which are difficult to manage.”
Deputy Minister of Health Le Quang Cuong agreed, adding that it was necessary to invoke strict punishments to prevent violations and enhance inspection over the operation of alcohol businesses.
Dung said that Viet Nam showed determination to create breakthroughs for growth this year, adding the Government would always listen to opinions from businesses and associations for more thorough and effective reforms.
Dung asked for more efforts to enhance administrative reforms, removing barriers for businesses as well as wipe out legal gaps which State officials could take advantage of to cause difficulties to firms.
In additions, cutting costs for firms was also important. — VNS