Twenty eight out of 63 provinces and cities approved their urban development programmes, to date, under the Decree 11/2013/ND-CP about management and investment in urban development.

Twenty eight out of 63 provinces and cities have so far approved their urban development programmes, under the Decree 11/2013/ND-CP about management and investment in urban development.
Besides, 23 others were underway to develop or adjust their urban development programmes, according to the Ministry of Construction.
The ministry said that these programmes were necessary to contribute to ensuring harmonious and sustainable urban development.
Focus would be placed on completing the legal framework for urban development to ensure consistency and tighten management, the ministry said, adding that existing regulations about urban development were still proving to be ineffective.
The ministry is working on drafting a law on architecture.
The Decree 11/2013/ND-CP issued on January 14 aimed to ensure the consistence between local and national socio-economic development planning and synchronous urban infrastructure development. — VNS