Based on client orders in the fourthquarter of 2014, we at Navigos Searchhave come up with data on executiverecruitment demand in Vietnam.
Based on client orders in the fourthquarter of 2014, we at Navigos Searchhave come up with data on executiverecruitment demand in Vietnam.
Manufacturing topped the list of sec-tors with the highest demand for middleand high-ranking personnel, witness-ing a sharp rise of 10% to reach 27% oftotal demand, mostly from foreign-in-vested companies.
"In 2014, we carried out major re-cruitment projects for several foreign cor-porations in Viet Nam such as Nokiaand Samsung, covering a wide rangeof high-level positions," said Ms.Nguyen Thi Van Anh Managing Di-rector of Navigos Search.
FMCG/Retail and InformationTechnology followed with 17% and 13%, respectively. Finance-Banking-Insurance also rose by 2% to accountfor 9% of total demand.
The highest paying posts during thelast quarter of last year were a directorat a HCM-based e-commerce companywith VND 202 million per month andan administration and sales director atan education company with VND 148million per month.
The data recorded throughout 2014also revealed that the highest salariespaid to high-ranking personnel all exceeded VND 100 million/month,which shows that Vietnamese candi-dates are developing in terms of quali-fications and thriving to meet thetough requirements of foreign employ-ers.
However, matching the recruitmentrequirements of employers remains adaunting task. Navigos Search hasstruggled to find sufficient qualifiedcandidates, and this is a long-termchallenge that needs to be solved.
During 2014, major Mergers andAcquisitions took place in the Retail/FMCG sector which involved interna-tionally renowned corporations. Therecruitment demand in this sector canbe forecast through changes to its scaleand products.
"I am quite optimistic about the de-velopment of the recruitment market in2015. Although the economy is just be-ginning to heat up, positive signalsfrom 2014 can imply a sharp increasein the recruitment demand for middleand high-ranking personnel, especiallyin the Retail/FMCG sector," Ms. VanAnh concluded. — Source: Navigos Search